A downloadable game

Nostalgia fueled graphics and gameplay collide in perfect timing with current technology to bring that irreplaceable feeling of a game night on the couch with friends, back to the forefront, for up to 4 of your foreheads!

CPGN's unique features

• Gun mechanics (no "fake bullets" from a magic ribcage-forehead instantly scanning hits)
• 1:1 button-to-action gameplay (no pointless animation delays between you and the game)
• Performance based handicap options (extra challenge for experts, more fun for noobs)
• 100% hitbox / collision accuracy with 0 auto-aim (what you hit is what you shot at)
• No loading screens (quality time for grandma to throw you through a window)
• Randomly generated maps (infinite replay value and no map-memory advantage)
• Clutch turning (run buttons can be held down to make turning twice as fast)
• Skill rating system (an FPS first - timing, distance, and accuracy actually matter)
• No crap-filler cutscenes to skip (want a story? you're not a gamer, go watch a movie) • Revolutionary "Counter Snap" button (do 180s without guessing who shot at you)
• Skill-based 1-hit-kill modes (points awarded by weapons used to get the kills)
• No lag or cheaters (all players on 1 machine plus no hitscan tech or its flaws)
• World's first splitscreen audio system (doing what AAA turd-factories never could) • 597 types of Motion Blur and Film Effects (for your eyes) already not included

CPGN's modes of play

• Death Match: standard match of 4 players with custom settings of your choice
• Murder Ball: hold a ball that's being tracked to score points every 10 seconds
• Predator 3v1: choose who can cloak with 3x health and ammo to hunt you down
• Teams (2v2): points get added together plus spawn on your buddy's position
• 3 Player DM: arranges players by seating with equal screens and audio sources
• 1v1 (2 player): each player gets half a screen to settle the score with the other
• Target Pract: single player points with animated 2d metal targets attacking you

Join us in becoming all the best parts of your favorite classics of the genre, in one sitting! CPGN

Development log

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